Category: Vegetarian

Simple Fry Nian Gao / New Year Sticky Rice Cake (煎年糕)

Simple Fry Nian Gao / New Year Sticky Rice Cake (煎年糕)

Many Chinese buy some Nian Gao (年糕) during Chinese New Year Spring Festival.  It symbolises 步步高升, (things are improving in steps in the coming year).  Housewife who worship kitchen god may also belief that...

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Apple, Pear, Luohan fruit, Fig, Apricot Kernel Dessert (苹果,梨 , 罗汉果,无花果,南北杏)

This is an alternative to the earlier post on “Apple or Pear with Chinese Almond (南北杏) and Chuan Bei (川贝)Drink“.  However, Chuan Bei is not used here, but replace with luohan fruit and fig,...

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