Add Recipe

Call for recipes and cooking tips

Thanks for visiting this page. 

Yes, you must be interested to contribute a recipe or cooking tip.  We are always constantly looking for new recipe and tips contributed by members.

We hope you could share as much recipe and tips as you can.  Although I cannot promise any rewards at this point, but I’m sure you will be glad that you have done so, where any future goodies will be given to contributors first.

At this point, only registered members are exposed to the print function, where the recipe will be formated into printable format.

How to submit a recipe

You first has to be a registered member.   If you are not, please register yourself by clicking “register” on the right column.

When you have logged in, you will see the “Contribute recipe/tips” on the right column.

Click on that and that will bring you to editor page.

Type in the name of the dish as Title.

The recipe will have 2 sections. Ingredients and Method. Both has be in bold.  All text within the ingredients and methods are to be numbered. 

Tip: you may type in the recipe in MS Word first.  Then you click on the “paste from word” icon and you can copy (Cntrl C) and paste (Cntrl V) into the box. 

You can also include pictures by sending me an email at

Note that your contribution may not appear immediately, as they will be moderated by the editor.

Thanks for your contribution.








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