
THIS AGREEMENT is made BETWEEN the owner of (hereinafter called “WeryNice”) and the registered member of (hereinafter called “Member”).


1) Rules and Regulations

a) No obscene or vulgar or offensive language or pictures, or a content that is contrary to public policy or morality shall be allowed in this website.
b) No content shall be made to deceive the public.
c) No advertisement for any tangible or intangible produce or service is allowed by the Member. However, text references to other web sites with URLs or business names with addresses and contacts are allowed, provided always that Members hold no vested interested in the referral.

2) Terms and Conditions

a) Member further agree and undertake to indemnify WeryNice in respect of any liability, loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature which may result from my usage of any materials in
b) WeryNice has the full right to remove any posting without seeking consent from the Member.
c) WeryNice has the full right to remove Member’s account without seeking consent from the Member.
d) All contents published or had been published shall vest in and be the absolute property of WeryNice.
e) WeryNice will not use Member’s email for any SPAMS. However, if Member chooses to allow WeryNice to send them emails, WeryNice may send newsletter, updates and promotions, that are of direct relevance and interest of WeryNice to the Member from time to time.
f) WeryNice will not release Member’s email address to any other organization, with the exception that withholding such information may lead to WeryNice breaching the Law of the Singapore Government.
g) WeryNice may change the agreement from time to time, and WeryNice will publish the updated agreement in

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