Category: Cooking Tips

How to remove the unpleasant odour in chicken

How to remove the unpleasant odour in chicken

Sometimes chicken (whole or parts) has an unpleasant smell, especially frozen ones after thawing.  It is not the spoilt smell, but more like chicken odours. The best way to get rid of it is...

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Why tie a knot in the middle of the daylily (金针)

Why tie a knot in the middle of the daylily (金针)

Before cooking the daylily, tie a knot in the middle of it.  This will prevent the bud from opening and splitting up when cooking, and also give it a more solid center, hence more...

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Vegetable Stock

Vegetable Stock

Ingredients 1 big yellow onion 2 carrots 3-4 stalks of celery 2 litres of water Method Wash and cut the ingredients. Put into a pot with 2 litres of cold water.  Bring to boil...

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Preparing Ginkgo Nuts (白果) for Desserts

Preparing Ginkgo Nuts (白果) for Desserts

Ginkgo (commonly misspelled as gingko) nuts are used in cooking and deserts.  However some people, especially children do not like its taste.  Here is a tip to sweeten it and give it a little...

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How to make the cucumber less bitter

How to make the cucumber less bitter

Cut about 1 inch off the top of the cucumber in 1 clean cut with a sharp knife, and quickly rub the 2 exposed surfaces together in a circular motion.  You will see white...

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