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Apples with Egg Salad in Ketchup Dressing


  1. 2 small Green Apples
  2. 2 small Red Apples
  3. 1/4 cup Ketchup
  4. 1/2 cup Oil
  5. 1/4 cup Sugar
  6. 1/2 tsp Salt
  7. 2 Eggs


  1. Clean the apples.
  2. Cut the apples into any size you want.
  3. Soak the apples in salt water. Drain & set aside. (soaking in salt water prevent the apple from oxidising hence turning brown)
  4. Mix the ketchup, oil, sugar & salt until sugar dissolve.
  5. Hard boil the eggs.
  6. Sliced the eggs into smaller pieces.
  7. Mix all together & chill.

Note: You may add the following to your sauce too (based on the actual recipe that I got from the Internet):

  1. 1/8 cup Vinegar
  2. 1/2 tsp Worcrestershire Sauce
  3. 1/2 Onion, grated



Freelancer and Blogger

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2 Responses

  1. editor says:

    I guess we can use olive oil for this?

  2. baby says:

    you can use whatever oil you’ve got

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